By-laws & Application
In order to apply for membership in the Audubon Community choir, we require you to read and agree to the bylaws and terms below. Please read thoroughly, and if you agree, check the box at the bottom and fill out the membership application. Dues will be collected at your first rehearsal (subject to change if a digital dues collection method is implemented).
Audubon Community Chorus Bylaws
Name: The name of the organization shall be the Audubon Community Chorus (ACC)
Leadership: The ACC shall be under the direction of Mr. Steven McCormack (Director) under the authority of Audubon-Parkside Lodge #218 Free & Accepted Masons (Owner)
Meetings: The ACC meets weekly at the Audubon Masonic Temple located at 305 East Atlantic Avenue, Audubon, NJ 08106 unless otherwise notified, each Sunday from 2:00pm to 3:30 PM
Membership; Membership is open to all interested singers above the age of 18. Interested singers may join by submitting an application during Open Enrollment periods where all applications will be reviewed on a rolling admission basis. All members will be required to pay annual membership dues to the organization. Members will be required to abide by the membership expectations outlined in this document. Membership is at will and members can resign at any time, and can be removed due to violations of the policies below. In the event that the section an applicant is applying to is full, an applicant may apply to a different section or opt to be put on a waiting list until a spot is free and contacted accordingly.
Open Enrollment: New member applications will be accepted at the conclusion of each concert cycle and closed at the start of the second rehearsal of each new concert cycle.
Dues: Each member will be required to pay non refundable membership dues. Dues are collected on or before the first rehearsal of each concert cycle by cash, check or other available digital payment options (subject to change). The price shall be set at $50 for each concert cycle. The ACC reserves the right to change the dues fee for each concert cycle.
Concert Cycles: The ACC will rehearse and prepare for two annual concerts, Dates are to be decided each cycle due to holidays and Directors discretion. Each cycle will consist of 10-12 weeks of rehearsals ending in a concert weekend which includes a Friday evening and Sunday matinee concert.
Cycle 1 begins in mid september and ends in early december with the “Winter Concert”
Cycle 2 begins in mid January and ends in early April with the “Spring Concert”
Attendance: All members are expected to attend all rehearsals with attendance being monitored through sign in sheets. While we understand things happen, every member is crucial to our success and there may be others on the waiting list to join the choir, thus an excess of more than 3 (three) missed rehearsals may result in removal from the concert cycle without refund.
Conduct: This is an adult chorus and should be a fun relaxing time of creating music together in preparation for a concert we can all be proud of. Violation of any of the rules below may result in removal from the group and forefit of dues. That being said it is expected that all members abide by the following rules;
Attend rehearsal and performance
Attain the proper performance attire for the concerts (outlined below)
Be involved/ respectful in rehearsal, Do not willfully disrupt/ cause issues at rehearsal
Understand all decisions musical and operational are at the discretion of the director
Take any comments as constructive, don't offer a comment you would not want to receive
Talk to all members of the choir and the director with equal respect and kindness
Any type of harassment or bullying of any member towards another will not be tolerated
Do not attend rehearsal or performance under the influence of illegal drugs or alchohol
Concert Attire: Each member shall be required to obtain the appropriate concert attire this must be one of the following 3 options;
Option 1
Black dress shoes ,Black socks, Black pants, Black belt, Black shirt, Black tie (Straight or Bow) with Optional black suit jacket -
Option 2
Black dress Shoes/heels or flats, Black or nude Socks or Stockings, Black slacks or Floor length Black Skirt, Black blouse, (no mid section may show, please keep neckline modest) -
Option 3
Black Dress shoes/ heels/ or flats, Black or nude stockings or tights, Floor length black dress ( dress must not show mid section or back, dress should include shoulders being covered and a modest neckline)
**For all options heels should be no more than 3 in in height (due to standing). Makeup should be a natural look. Hair should be kept neatly out of the face. Jewelry should be modest and simple. All should add to the performance so that the audience can focus on the music.